About Us

"Visit Ethiopia and catch our smile"

Koysha Tour 

We got our name “Koysha” from the newly introduced tourist destination projects situated in the green hills of Southern Ethiopia, which is expected to catch the attention of more tourists across the world, as it is endowed with immense natural gifts.

Koysha is uniquely situated in the green hills and lush forests of the Southern region. With the Koysha hydropower plant in progress and the Chebera Churchura National Park in proximity, the new integrated eco-project in Koysha aims to enhance existing endowments and create a service industry and jobs in the area.

Koysha is endowed with huge natural tourism attractions with various animal species, water resources, and all sorts of topographies, forest species and forestry. Tourists are expected to enjoy with the wild animals such as lions, buffaloes and elephants.

Upon completion, these unique features of the project which is initiative made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed would make Ethiopia one of world’s preferred tourist destinations.

As the Prime Minister noted “Its proximity to the Koysha and Gibe III hydropower plants as well as the Chebera Churchura National Park, which is three times wider than the capital Addis Ababa, will make the project one of the world’s best tourist attractions.”

Responsible Travel Policy

In  Koyesha tour & travel our aim is to minimize the negative social impacts of the local community with creating a lot of solutions and on the other hand to boost the local community economic opportunity we will participate all the local community on our service and to minimize environmental impacts we will give the training to the staffs that are representing our company on the environments and parks so in general we will generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities. 

Economic responsibility

·         To hire a local community or local people in our company like local guide , cockers , road leaders , scouts , receptions , local translators because since the attractions and the destinations are found in those local community surrounding area we must give them a chance of making their economy better by being our teams.

·         To donate some moneys and materials for the local community to establish some clinics and local schools with infrastructure in the destinations

·         To create good connections or relations with the local community about creating additional tourist activities to our clients to boost their economies

·         To solve any obstacles coming with economics shortage with discussing the local community and to whom it may concern

·         To encourage any creativity that’s helping the environments

Environmental responsibility

·         To keep the suitability of our environments, wildlife’s , fauna , flora

·         To inform our clients about the effects of using the environments indecorously such as  hunting wild animals, cutting plants and trees

·         To advice local peoples or community about deforestation and illegal hauntings

·         To give a training for the local community about how they get riding or wasting some wastage from waters and from the eco-systems

·         To aware all our staffs working in our company about recycling office materials like papers , printers to reduce climate pollutions

·         To give more awareness about our cars driver to make our cars serviced monthly to reduce the climate pollutions via cars the burned air coming from our cars

·         To give scheduled training for the local community specially working in national parks like scouts and others about sustainability of the attractions

·         In general our company is using latest office equipment that are reducing environmental impacts and all our cars are latest models that have a very low pollutions of air carbons & in addition to this we will inform all our clients to wasting or removing the wastages like lefts foods , plastic empty waters bottles and any others materials wasting by our clients that will damage and have a negative impacts on the environments will be handled with our teams wisely

Social responsibility

·         To provide details information for our guests regarding the political situations of our country

·         To provide accurate information about the rule and regulations of the local community

·         To provide some common words of the local community for all our clients

·         To inform clients how they will reducing sound potentials and other negative environmental hazards

·         To share our clients about encouraging the local community regarding healthy and other social problems raised by our clients

·         In general our company will provides or informs pre-trip information for our clients before they arrive in Ethiopia about the ongoing social and political situation in our country as well as specific destinations throughout the country and our information will also include the cultural customs, government, food, security, unique ceremonies, economy and overall political situation of Ethiopia.

·         In addition to this we will inform clients about the rules and regulations of each villages and tribes area and we will give them some highlights of cultures, greetings for creating good connections with our clients and the community