Coffee Tour

Package Details

Day 01: city tour of Addis Ababa, the diplomatic capital of Africa, headquarters of the African Union and home to over 100 embassies. Visit the National Museum where the 3.5 million-year-old bones of Lucy lie. Visit the Holy Trinity Cathedral and enjoy a panoramic view of the capital from the Entoto Hills.

Day 02: Drive to Jimmavia Weliso&Welkite, about 350kms

Day 03: Drive to Bebeka via the highland town of MizanTefari, about 260kms

Day 04: Visit Bebeka Coffee plantation, the largest plantation in Ethiopia and drive to Tepi, about 80km.This drive will take you through panoramic landscape, tea and coffee plantations and extensive tropical forests

Day 05: Morning visit Tepi coffee plantation (the second largest in the country), the Crater Lake within the plantation and experimental spice plantations.

Day 06: Tepi to Bonga (the administrative center of Kaffa-Sheka province), This is a drive through the Kaffa region of Ethiopia; whose name is immortalize as the derivative of the word ‘coffee’ and ‘café’. Kaffa is generally regarded to be the region from where the Arabica strain of coffee originated, and it is also where this plant was first cultivated. A popular legend, said variously to date to between the 3rd and 10th centuries, claims that a young herdsman called Kaldi first observed the stimulating properties of wild coffee.

Visit the Bonga Forest Reserve, which sprawls over some 500km2 of the surrounding hillsides. These are among the last remaining sub tropical moist forests of  any significant size to be found in Ethiopia, and are renowned for their abundance of sustainable timber forest products- coffee, forest cardamom, forest pepper and honey.

Day 07: Drive from Bonga to Weliso via Jimma, which is about 310km.Jimma, located at about 150km from Bonga or 350km south west of Addis Ababa. It is known for its history and intact natural beauty. Continue driving to the resort town of Weliso, which is about 160km from Jimma or 116km southwest of Addis Ababa. Weliso is known for its spa recreation. This spa recreation renders activities like swimming and thermal bath.

Day 08: Back to Addis Ababa & Departure


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