Harra& Dire Dewa:

Package Details

Day 01: city tour of Addis Ababa, the diplomatic capital of Africa, headquarters of the African Union and home to over 100 embassies. Visit the National Museum where the 3.5 million-year-old bones of Lucy lie. Visit the Holy Trinity Cathedral and enjoy a panoramic view of the capital from the Entoto Hills.

Day 02: Fly to Dire Dawa and drive to Harar, is the medieval walled city of Harar stands amid green mountains, on the east wall of the Great Rift Valley near the Somali border. Harar’s heritage is almost entirely Muslim and Oriental; with its 90 mosques and shrines. Harar is considered to be the fourth most sacred center of the Islamic world. Harar is a labyrinth of small streets surrounded by old city walls. Its architecture reflects a strong Islamic influence. We will take a walk through the old city


Exploration of the old Walled town of Harar includes; the Harari Museum, Rimbaud House, the 16th century grand Mosque with its elegant twin towers and slender minaret, the church of MedhaneAlem, which houses a gallery with traditional religious artworks, the tomb of Abu Said an early Muslim ruler, and the colorful Shoa Gate Market where one can shop indigenous handicrafts and jewelries. In the evening, you can visit an exciting attraction known as “the hyena man show” where you will get a chance to feed hyenas.


Day 03: an hour drive from Harar is Dire Dawa, which is Ethiopia’s second largest city and a historic railway hub that connected Djibouti to Addis Ababa.On your way to Dire Dawa, you can visit the Awadaikhat market. Khat is a leafy plant that acts as a stimulant when chewed and is widely consumed in the region.


Day 04: Back to Addis Ababa & Departure


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